
Cover photo of Wedding Actualday VIdeo Profile

Wedding actual Day Videography Service

Wedding videographer, apart from filming on the wedding actual day, also we will find out the schedule of the wedding and create a simple timeline before the shooting day, so the process wil run smoothly.


Company & Other Event Videography Service

Before the event day, our event videographer will contact the event manager to understand about the event. For different kind and size of event, we will have defferent way to take video. Other than event highlight video and recorded video, we also do event live streaming service, online live streaming and offline big screen live streaming.

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Property & Interior Design Video Production

Property introduction video usually include more detail about the property location, facilities, layout design, and it’s value, and interior design video will more focus on the design and space within the property. Before the video production, we will discuss with our client about the info they want to present to audience.

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Commercial Video Production Service

There is a bunch of commercial video types to be decided for your needs. A commercial video with rich information, short and impressing, or storytelling etc. Let us discuss and find out the one suit for your purpose and production budget, so the result can reach the function.


Product Review Video

Product review video is also a kind of commercial video, it is more detail and information of the subject and it is more reality. Audience who interest with the product may want to know more about it.

Green Key Background

Nowadays background keying video is everywhere, even a phone app can do. But, not everyone can do it right, there is some technical things need to be done while shooting a background keying video. Our videographer can shoot a keying video for and also help you to set up a space for it.